Does the Area Have What You Want?

This blog might not be about either the extremely cute puppy, Nala or delicious pizza from Bowen Island Pizza Co. However, it is about knowing the right neighbourhood for you, and I love the Lonsdale Quay which is part of an amazing community in Lower Lonsdale. 

Now, imagine going to a restaurant with your family for dinner. You're planning on ordering a nice pasta and salad. Your heart is set on it. But, after you go to the trouble of driving there and getting a table, you discover that pasta is not on the menu. 

That’s disappointing! 

Of course, it’s only a meal. You can go somewhere else next time. But, what if the same scenario played out once you had moved into a new neighbourhood? Imagine you were counting on public transit being in easy walking distance, but discovered the nearest stop is four blocks away. Argh! 

That's why it's important to ensure a neighbourhood has the characteristics you want — before you make an offer on a home you like. 

Think about what you want most in the neighbourhood. Consider work, commuting, schools, playgrounds, noise level, walking and cycling, hobbies, shopping, entertainment, etc. 

If there is a neighbourhood feature that is very important to you, check it out for yourself. For example, if easy access to the main highway is desirable for commuting, take the route for a test drive. 

You can get a lot of information on a neighbourhood through the listed property's description and MLS listing. 

Want more in-depth insights into an area you're considering? I have that information. Call today.